Build with AI: Transforming Personal Finance

153 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
153 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

Winners are announced.

starts on:
Apr 05, 2024, 04:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Apr 23, 2024, 05:00 PM UTC (UTC)



  1. The hackathon will start on April 5th, 2024 by 09:00:00 AM PST and closes on April 21st, 2024 by 11:59:00 PM PST. You must work on your hack during the allotted time only.

  2. This is a team participation hackathon. You can have up to 5 members at most on your team.

  3. You can invite others to form a team or you can request other teams add you as a member. Please make sure that all participants in your team have registered.

  4. You can only be part of one team, and as a team, you can only submit one project.

  5. This is a virtual hackathon; you can participate from anywhere.

  6. You can submit as many times as you want. However, your last submission will be considered the final submission.

  7. You are expected to come up with new and innovative ideas or develop new innovative components for a project of your own. Any idea or code that has been copied directly from another project will be disqualified.

  8. Rules on Pre-existing Work: Each hack submission will be judged solely on the quality of the work completed during the duration of the hackathon. If you use pre-existing code in your project, you need to disclose all information in your submission. Please fork your repository, so it's clear which code has been produced new. Suppose you want to build a feature for an existing project, for which you don't want to disclose the code. In that case, you can create a new repository for the feature that you are building for the hackathon to showcase the code and implement the feature into your existing dApp to showcase how it would work when connected. If, upon inspection, you present work that appears to have been completed before the hackathon began that you did not disclose, you will need to explicitly point out how your new work differs from old work. NOTE: Historically, projects that use a majority of pre-existing work do not score as high in the judging as projects that present wholly new and novel approaches - the whole point of this hackathon is to create.

  9. Your hack must be developed entirely during the hackathon. You may use any crypto primitives available on the Celo mainnet or testnet. You may also use open-source libraries and other freely available systems/services and starter kits like the Celo-Composer.

  10. Projects should be open source! Please make sure your source code is public so we can review your submission.

  11. Your code is the intellectual property of your team.

By participating in the hackathon, you agree to the terms and conditions of HackerEarth and the participation agreement of the Celo Foundation.

Terms and Conditions

  1. I will be starting this project from scratch (Starterkits are allowed, no former hackathon submissions)

  2. I will frequently commit to GitHub for the judges to see my progress

  3. I will open-source my submission

  4. I will not submit this project to another hackathon

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